söndag 16 december 2007

16 dec

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

vilken är den falska?

Anonym sa...

jag tror stolta högresta är äkta & den liksom sammansmälta eländiga är falsk, men riktig säker kan man aldrig vara.

Anonym sa...

'And yet it is not calumny nor treachery that do the largest sum of mischief in the world; … But it is the glistening and softly spoken lie; … the patriotic lie of the historian, the provident lie of the politician, the zealous lie of the partizan, … that cast that black mystery over humanity, through which we thank any man who pierces… happy, that the thirst for truth still remains with us, even when we have wilfully left the fountains of it.’