tisdag 4 december 2007

4 dec

Det är märkligt hur Michael Douglas under en period i början av nittiotalet tycktes förkroppsliga Begäret på teve och vita duken. Med spjärn mot väggar och köksbänkar frustade han sig in i många tonåriga medvetanden. Synd att inte Vita Sackville-Wests ord fick ta plats där istället:
"I am reduced to a thing that wants Virginia. I composed a beautiful letter to you in the sleepless nightmare hours of the night, and it has all gone: I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. You with all your undumb letters, would never write so elementary a phrase as that; perhaps you wouldn't even feel it. And yet I believe you'll be sensible of a little gap. But you'd clothe it in so exquisite a phrase that it would lose a little of its reality. Whereas with me it is quite stark: I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal."

2 kommentarer:

Viktor Sjöberg sa...

Bra grejer!. Hade tänkt att göra en sådan här grej själv, men det blir bättre så här.

ida och oscar !! sa...

Åh, det tror jag inte! Men tack, tack! /oscar